
The essential questions that underlie the understanding of some phenomena are:

And these questions can be refined by using the 5W's system.









Why do you need Competitive Intelligence?

The global economy, the european economy and even more so the romanian economy are going through a complicated period.

The period in which all companies need additional resources, a business partner with whom to communicate easily. A partner who understands your needs and who provides you structured and well-documented data.

Structured data is transformed into information and the information used in the interest of the company is transformed into Intelligence.

Identifying vulnerabilities, minimizing risks and accessing business opportunities are essential to strengthening an organization.

And the complete, verified and relevant information for the business are the basis of the strategic decisions and the correct risk assessment.

The implementation of a Competitive Intelligence system results in:

The experience of the 5W’s agency and the way we use the Competitive Intelligence tools allow us to have an overview of the market in which you operate. 

We collect and process relevant information to assist you in business decisions, so that the business you run will go on safely and be convinced that you are on the right track.